The Ocean Hope Expedition

€ 1,230.14



€ 50,000


It is within OUR Power 
to Stop Deep Sea Mining!


Help us raise the first 50,000 Euro for our campaign to stop deep-sea mining.

The Ocean Hope Project, set to kick off in late August 2024, will be a journey across the western coast of the Americas, connecting people to the ocean and raising awareness of the dangers of deep sea mining. We will rally support calling on world leaders to put in place a moratorium on deep-sea mining before 2025.


The Pacific Ocean is ground zero for deep-sea mining, with the Clarion Clipperton Zone between Mexico and Hawaii being the first area targeted by speculative miners. 

This journey engages communities, artists, local authorities and businesses along the Pacific rim, uniting to protect the world's largest ocean - their backyard.

Your contribution will be used to cover the logistics of the trip including staff support, train rides, lodging and video crew. The more money we raise the more places and people we can engage.

The power is ours! We are the voices for the planet and our own future. We must build on the global resistance to this reckless, out of touch, want-to-be industry and make sure deep-sea mining is not given the green light!

Want to partner with us? Email us at

About The Ocean and Us: We are a nonprofit based in the Netherlands.  We engage in advocacy work covering a wide range of critical ocean issues including climate change, overfishing, pollution and the threat of deep-sea mining. 

Our mission is to safeguard the health of our oceans, recognizing that it is crucial for human survival, well-being, and our moral responsibility to all living beings. We strongly believe that accelerating ocean solutions requires us to promote and amplify the efforts of diverse individuals working globally to protect our oceans.

Click here to learn more about our work at The Ocean and Us and to sign our petition. 

Photo: Amanda Cotton

Payment options include: credit card, paypal & iDEAL.

Donate 500 Euro or more (or the equivalent in your currency) and receive your own signed copy of The Ocean and Us book! Send an email to with your details if you wish to receive a book.

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