Support Missing People Canada

Missing People Canada was created for the purpose of sharing information regarding confirmed missing person(s) cases within Canada. Our mission: Delivering the most relevant and reliable information available from the police and other media sources and helping to spread awareness of the missing in Canada.

We are not owned or operated by any Organization or Company, we are just a group of Volunteers that post and share Missing Person releases with others across Canada in order to try to do our part and help find the Missing.

Any help you can offer to help us do our work is greatly appreciated!

Donor Wall (5)

Efran Films Canada Inc. | C$200

Town of Redvers | C$200

RM of Antler | C$200

In Memory of Ruby Barnes

Brian Bricknell | C$150

Your PCC(P) family - Our deepest sympathy. May you be comforted by our prayers and the fondest memories of your loved one.
