Support Imago in 2017






As Imago enters it's 39th year, we ask for your support for another great year! Through your contribution you make possible:

Conservation of Urban Greenspace - Imago preserves 37 acres (and counting) of urban forest. Your support allows us to not only preserve this land, but also to make it available to the public as a free and open nature preserve. 

The Next Generation of Green Leaders - Your contribution allows us to present our innovative programs and experiences for urban youth. Nature is not only a classroom, strengthening traditional education, it is also a place for young people to explore and connect to - together we are creating tomorrow's green leaders.

Community-Supported Green Workshops - Our green workshops are designed to make it easier for everyone to be greener. By creating a supportive community atmosphere, and providing top-notch expertise, Imago makes it fun and easy to be green. 

A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated! Your support makes it all happen. Join us in creating a green community for ourselves, our families and our neighbors, both human and non-human. 

Please consider a recurring donation! Recurring donations allow you to give at an amount that is easier for you, while providing ongoing, year-long support.

Should you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact us at (513) 921-5124 or by email.  

Thank you!