




Our services are free, but it’s not free for us to run and improve them. 

With your generosity, we empower over 3,000 advocates globally by providing the resources, spaces, and connections they need to collaborate, share knowledge, and take action for farmed animals. At Hive we believe that connecting advocates is one of the most powerful ways to drive change, and your support ensures that this collaboration flourishes.

Your donation helps us grow and improve these efforts, ensuring that advocates worldwide have a strong community to help them make meaningful impacts.

Amplify your donation with a $21,000 match

Thanks to a generous matching fund, every dollar you give will be matched up to $21,000doubling your impact! 

"The Hive community has enabled me to tap into so many things going on in the animal space! Whether it's local events, national and international conferences, important news, or other resources, I always feel like if there is something important I should know about, I will know about it because of Hive."

Anonymous Matching Donor who contributed the first $10,000.

An additional $10,000 has been offered by our co-founder Constance, and $1000 has been provided from Mobius - thank you so much! 

Our impact in the words of advocates

"I can’t imagine the animal protection movement without Hive."

Liz Wheeler, Philanthropy Manager at Faunalytics

"Hive has been the most impactful resource in my animal advocacy journey."

Hayden Kessinger, Volunteer at The Humane League

"Hive is super intentional, agile, nimble, welcoming, inclusive, the opposite of all the issues a movement might face."

Suzie Gilbert, Founder & Strategy Consultant, Pomegranate

Our impact in numbers

  • 3,000+ animal advocates connected on Hive’s Slack, enhancing collaboration and communication.
  • 3,000+ subscribers receive our newsletter, staying informed on the latest in farmed animal advocacy.
  • 400+ help requests answered on Slack, supporting advocates in their work.
  • 200+ advocates personally matched based on needs, interests, and skills.
  • 22 advocates found meaningful volunteer roles through Hive.
  • 29 advocates secured paid jobs or freelance roles through Hive.

How much should I give? 

With a $21,000 matching fund, your donation will go twice as far! We’re aiming to raise $21,000 through this campaign, which will be matched for a total of $42,000.

We could reach this goal with 140-210 gifts averaging $100-$150. If you’re able to give $300 or more, it would make a significant impact. For those able to consider $1,000 or above, we’d love to connect personally at sofia@joinhive.org to share how your support amplifies our mission. Any amount you contribute brings us closer—thank you!

Tax status update 

Hive Community, Inc. currently has its 501(c)(3) application pending with the IRS. If approved, your donation will be tax-deductible in the US for this year. However, we cannot issue a tax-deductible receipt until we receive confirmation of our status. Once approved, we’ll follow up with a receipt confirming our tax status. For questions, please contact Sofia at sofia@joinhive.org.

If you prefer an immediate tax-deductible receipt, you can make a donation here through our fiscal sponsor, Humane America, a registered 501(c)(3) (we do not pay any fiscal sponsorship fees). 

Please email kevin@joinhive.org if you'd like to donate via DAF.

Debit cards and bank transfers

  • Please note that if you donate via a bank transfer, it can take around 5 working days for your donation to show on the page
  • Some debit cards can be rejected via this form - please use our fiscal sponsor's form instead if you get the same error. 

Visit our website to learn more about Hive and the work that we do.

Donor Wall 26

Norbert | $104.42

Allan Kornberg | $108

Thank you for all you do. The connectivity of Hive's work is worth its weight in gold - and im compassion. Namaste.


Ziyue Wang | $205.23

Thank you for creating this amazing community!

Adam Hoffman | $200

Erwin Rossen | $50

Kenneth Scheffler | $100

Sarki | $320


Here's hoping we can advocate in such a way that we don't hurt more animals. https://www.mattball.org/2024/11/short-how-vegan-hurts-animals.html

Amy Odene | $52.37

Inspired by your message Constance. Keep up the amazing work team!

Victor | $100

Love what you do and support it in full!

Karen Nilsen | $20

Our movement is diverse, under-represented, and so impactful. To connect and learn from each other is a powerful way to grow, welcome new activists, innovate, and help more animals. We need more spaces like Hive!

Adam Tury

Hayden Kessinger | $52.37

Thanks for all of your awesome work and the opportunity to help!

Megan Jamer | $21.13

To me, Hive makes the journey of seeking knowledge, connections, and opportunities in the farmed animal movement feel more exciting and doable, and less scary and overwhelming! Thanks team.

Chase Carter | $100

I really appreciate this community and everything it's working on!


I love what your'e doing, keep up the good work!

Shaileen McGovern | $104.42

Angel Lau | $21.13

I wouldn't be able to meet so many animal advocates across the world without Hive! Also, it really helps when I'm in a small city and feel isolated.

Jacqueline Payne | $768.45

Cameron King | $52.37

Super excited for and about Hive!!!!

Aidan Alexander | $20

Thanks for building a crucial piece of movement infrastructure for us!

Léa Guttmann | $21.13

Felix | $50

Thanks for all you do!

Rakefet Cohen | $100

Thank you for your valuable contribution! This community truly is a gem, bringing together people who share the same mission. I'm grateful for how you've helped me secure a grant, find a conference to share my findings with a wider audience, and advance my career path.

Maggie | $104.42

Thank you, Hive, for creating a space where I can connect with inspiring advocates, stay informed about the movement, and find new ways to make a meaningful impact in animal advocacy.