Support BULAQ






Help support the 2025 season of BULAQ, a podcast dedicated to Arabic literature in translation, hosted by journalist and book reviewer Ursula Lindsey and founding editor of ArabLit & ArabLit Quarterly, Marcia Lynx Qualey.  Ursula records from Amman, Jordan, while Marcia is in Rabat, Morocco. 

Bulaq is a labor of love. We started it in 2017 and have recorded well over 100 episodes so far. We’ve read hundreds of books and had dozens of writers and translators as guests. The podcast is produced and distributed by the wonderful folks at the podcast platform Sowt, but it is completely independent, with no support from grants or foundations and minimal advertising. We’ve always wanted it to be freely available to everyone, not limited to subscribers. 

But it also requires investment on our part: software, equipment, and time. 

If you'd like to help it keep going -- if you've enjoyed the show, discovered things here, and have found it useful -- then you can make a donation here. This will help with production costs, equipment costs, and all time we put into this. We really appreciate your support.