Support Black Girls CODE

Black Girls CODE builds pathways for Black girls to embrace the current tech

marketplace as builders and creators by introducing them to skills in computer

programming and technology. Radical action is needed if we are to close the opportunity gap for Black women and girls. We lead a global movement to establish equal representation in the tech sector. Black Girls CODE is devoted to showing the world that Black girls can code and do so much more. Together, we are creating stronger economies and more equitable societies—ultimately realizing the true potential of democracy through

diversity and inclusion.

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our EIN # is 45-4930539. All donations are fully tax-deductible and no goods or services have been exchanged for this donation.

You can also help us to achieve our goals!

I want to fundraise for this


Adam | $83,39

In solidarity with the ActivisionBlizzard employees trying to build a better future for marginalized groups in tech.

Brendan | $26,27

#ActiBlizzardWalkout 💙

Zephyr | $26,27

#ActiBlizzardWalkout 💙


#ActiBlizzWalkout 💙



Tom Abernathy | $52,23

Tyler | $21,08


Becca | $15,89

For the future of all female game developers #ActiBlizzWalkout

Miguel Sternberg | $21,08


Jason | $104,15


Here's to a better future!

Ryan Tatum | $52,23

Meredith Krause


Angela Peterson | $52,23

Tyler | $52,23




Matthew Storm | $52,23

Peter | $104,15


Mathieu | $26,27


Tobi | $26,27

Empowering all women and nonbinary people to be able to play on an even field against men who dominate the space of computer sciences is SO IMPORTANT, especially in the face of the harassment they deal with entering and existing in these fields. #ActiBlizzWalkout


My donation is in stance with the #ActiBlizzWalkout - without the huge gaming community I follow on Twitter I wouldn't have known about this organization and I'm so happy I do now. I will always be a supporter of women in coding.

Megan | $26,27

In solidarity with #ActiBlizzWalkout

David | $104,15


In solidarity with the #ActiBlizzWalkout

Tim Jung | $26,27

Matt Menzenski | $52,23

In solidarity with the #ActiBlizzWalkout

Tammy Hawkins | $519,52

Brett | $52,23

Quentin Cobb | $104,15

In solidarity for the #ActiBlizzWalkout

Funké | $104,15
