Support Black Girls CODE
Black Girls CODE builds pathways for Black girls to embrace the current tech
marketplace as builders and creators by introducing them to skills in computer
programming and technology. Radical action is needed if we are to close the opportunity gap for Black women and girls. We lead a global movement to establish equal representation in the tech sector. Black Girls CODE is devoted to showing the world that Black girls can code and do so much more. Together, we are creating stronger economies and more equitable societies—ultimately realizing the true potential of democracy through
diversity and inclusion.
1st Talent Acquisition $1.647,81 raised 43 donations
2nd Charles Danoff $576,34 raised 7 donations
3rd Chris Dunaj $375,33 raised 7 donations
4th Centerspace Cares $153,03 raised 2 donations
5th B.E.C.O.M.I.N.G. ERG $48,07 raised 2 donations
You can also help us to achieve our goals!
I want to fundraise for this
Ryan | $860
Sarah Drasner | $1.038,73
The Dearing Family
Hsien-Chih Huang
For the excellent driver that day.
BEE ( | $519,52
Celebrating MLK's legacy by supporting your awesome mission.
Maiya x Maya | $255
In support of our company's value of education, We launched our Fall 2020 Shades Collection paired with an S.T.E.A.M. education initiative, to raise awareness and funds for the need for access to quality S.T.E.A.M.-based education for students of color. As engineers turned entrepreneurs, We understand S.T.E.A.M.'s role in developing the critical-thinking and creative problem solving skills necessary to lead in today's technological society. We could not think of a better organization aligned with our mission to support than Black Girls Code. We hope this small donation helps to inspire the next generation - Maiya x Maya LLC
Roxanne Darling | $104,15
Riccetti Clothing
This donation is on behalf of our customers at Riccetti Clothing who supported our sales in raising money to donate to such an amazing organization. We truly love what you do and it really resinates with the community, thank you for the work you do and we will continue to support. We hope to donate more in the future! <3
Justin Lacche
We believe in you!
Daniel Ciruli | $100
Our kids had a lemonade stand on MLK day to raise money for causes that benefit Black youths. They chose Black Girls Code!
Makayla Keller | $30
Twenty Four Wealth
Giving in the name of our clients in support of young girls pursuing their dreams!
Morgan | $50
Krysia Haars | $52,23
Donation in honor of the Dilated Peoples Resistance volunteer group Thanks to Black Girls Code for all you are doing for future generations! Truly inspiring
Kelsey | $27,31
26 years of white privilege - I understand that I will never understand, but I want to understand. BLM.
Hippie Tribe | $1.000
Hippie Tribe x ATELIER Eva: “Tattoo ThuH Movement” Donation
My lovely best friend asked for donations as her Christmas present this year.
John Hazen | $500
Grace | $26,27
Pulumi | $800
Square Inc. | $500
Square Inc. | $250
Queen's Case Competition Union - QCCU | $185
Leslie Greenwood | $62,62