Support Apostles Craig & Colette Toach
Apostles Craig and Colette Toach, along with Prophet and Pastor Dalton and Rebekah Beckering (and their toddler) board a one-way plane ticket to Florida in January 2024. Ministry doors continue to open in the East Coast.
This includes connections with generals of repute in the Kingdom, speaking engagements, and the numerous NextGen Prophets that have prayed for a work to be established on the East Coast. We expect an already tight itinerary, to get even fuller.
It Worked! What You Gave Really Worked!
You believed in our mission to train prophets around the world. In our first year of podcasting, we reached 123,000 prophets in 200 countries. You made this happen!
We were total greenhorns when we started! We knew nothing about podcasting, didn’t have the right equipment, and stumbled over every step. But I’m telling you... your faith was high! We found favor all around us and doubled the number of prophets we expected to train.
It Gets Better
Every day we get testimonies of prophets being set free from false doctrines. Emails are sent from families who saw financial miracles because they learned how to pray.
Phone calls come in from people saying they heard Jesus for the first time because they listened to our podcast. Guys, the change is real!
Our Promise to You
God trained us every day. We learned a lot! We're working to make sure there is a trained prophet in every church in the world. But will you continue to support us as we do it?
Switch to monthly support to help us reach our goal of training 300,000 prophets in 300 countries in this year. This goal is in our hands if we have your support! When you position the prophets, you position every person in the body of Christ.
Thank you for believing in us and giving to our mission. We won’t do this without you. It was you who helped us get this far. Let's continue this journey together!