Support AHI's Rehousing Ukraine Initiative

Decent, affordable housing can be the foundation for a faster economic and social recovery, and the springboard for a resurgent and modern Ukraine. By rehousing the displaced and repairing or rebuilding from massive damage, Ukraine has a unique, time- limited opportunity to recast the country’s housing ecology; to restructure its towns and cities.

Our objective is not to tell Ukrainians what to want, but to help them find the best ways of optimizing how they pursue these goals and balance competing objectives and resource constraints. We are working with Ukrainian experts from Integrites, Kyiv School of Economics, CEDOS, and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute; we welcome other experts to join us. 

At least 50% of all funds received will go to our team of Ukrainian experts.

The window of opportunity is small. Years of thinking will be concentrated into weeks. Resources – funding, credit, heavy equipment, know-how – must arrive quickly and be coordinated.

Help us support Ukraine's recovery.

Donor Wall1

Richard Henken | $1,000