Celebrate 50 Years of Super Hui Heroes!
Your super powers are needed now!
It takes a Hui and our keiki need you now more than ever.
Super Hui Heroes provide ongoing support to Maui’s most vulnerable youth as they endure challenges both in school and at home. Because you are a generous person, keiki have food, free tutoring, a strong educational and community support team, and opportunities to learn art and connect with culture. Your donation will drastically enhance their chances of reaching their educational goals and graduating from high school. Support for these keiki can’t wait.
Become a Super Hui Hero!
Because you are a generous person, we have been able to support Maui's youth for 50 years. Join us in our work to provide another 50 years of empathy and empowerment. (^_^)/
TO MAIL YOUR DONATION, please send to Maui Hui Mālama at 375 Mahalani St, Wailuku, HI 96793.
Donor Wall 11
Grace | $26.34
Happy Birthday, Mary Rose!
Mike & Candace Jemiolo | $2,500
Purple Maiʻa Foundation | $1,350.26
Mahalo for all that you do our Maui keiki
daria schmidt | $100
Such a great program of supporting our youth! My children were a part of Kumu Nancy art class once and now it's our turn to give back! Mahalo
Annabel | $2,596.37
Such an amazing program. Thank you for all you do.
Michael Sarmiento
Mahalo for all that you do for our Keiki!
Purple Mai'a | $104.15/M
Tamara Tanaka
So much 💓
Tamara Tanaka
Thank you for all that you do for our Maui community