Summer Fundraiser 2022
Blessings and Greetings to You All,
We are delighted to share the exciting project developments that have transpired since our Spring Fundraiser. We have been working hard, within and without, to refine and enhance all that we are contributing to this global transformation. Your contributions make these passion projects come to fruition with much more ease, speed, and joy. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
We are releasing 5 brand new courses to assist personal and planetary awakening. This is over 35 hours worth of brand new video recordings to make learning fun and impactful.
We are beginning to work on the Youth Inspiration programming. This will include homeschool assistance information to assist those who are seeking alternative learning for their young masters as many are and will be pulling out of the public systems for various reasons.
Ron is completing the final touches on his new collaborative book project, The Songs of Remembering.
Michael has received his second round of edits on the second edition of The Illumination Codex. He just needs to review the 700+ pages, send them to the layout person, and upload revisions for the next release.
We have the next IQH practitioner training coming up! We are also starting to develop an IQH Level 2 practitioner training that we are aiming to teach in the next months.
We are finalizing our private membership association legal work to make sure our offerings, services, and teachings are protected from government overreach. The PMA movement is activated across the USA and many are making this move to protect their businesses, their freedoms, and basic rights.
All of this information will need to be updated on our website and other systems.
We are sharing with you how much it is costing us to run the organization and we truly hope you can help us cover some of that cost.
Our needs and what your contribution will support:
$3000 per month running cost of NEA, includes a small stipend for Michael and Ron.
PMA foundational documents $2000 (legal fees)
Michaels book editing and layout $900
New Earth Ascending is expanding and we need your assistance! Ron and Michael have been working diligently on a few projects that need your support to bring them to full fruition.
New Earth Ascending, a faith-based non-profit, was created to support the awakening of humanity and the manifestation of the New Earth society. We are currently working on foundational projects to support adults and youth through their healing, activation, and ascension.
Current Projects in Development:
Ron’s collaborative book project The Songs of Remembering
Michael’s 2nd edition of The Illumination Codex (new data needed added)
Embodied Light: The Illumination Course (foundational course for healing and awakening)
Guiding Light: Spiritual Counseling Certification Course (for guiding others through ascension)
Alternative Homeschooling Project (Needs to be available by the fall)
NEA website revisions
Perks for Donating:
We want to thank you for your generous support. We have added some gifts to each tier of donation
$50- New Healing Journey Audio Download (from Michael)
$100 + Superconscious Meditation Course ($99+ value)+ Healing Journey audio
$250 - $500+ The Illumination Course ($99+ value) plus Superconscious Meditation Course+ Healing Audio
$1000 + IQH Deep Dive Session ($444 value) plus Illumination and Superconscious Meditation Course + Healing Audio
Donor Wall 2
Lori | $5,000
Stephanie Lin | $50
I'm grateful to be able to support your good work, dears. Mahalo and Love, Lyra Stephanie