Street Cats of Vis

Helping People Help Cats

GREAT NEWS: Vis finally has a vet! After 20 years with no vet on the island, Dr. Mario Gavranović of Vet Vision opened his Vis clinic on May 12, 2021. Street cat sterilization has been funded by the town of Vis since February 2020, but we always need donations for other veterinary expenses such as exams, medications, veterinary-prescribed food and equipment to help us save lives. 

Donations are not used to pay anyone for their time: this is an all-volunteer project.

Donor Wall47

Daria | €100

Thank you so much for all that you are doing❤️

Angela | €30

You guys do amazing work, thank you!!


Wishing you all the best from a member of the inspectorate team. SPCA New Zealand

Kora Battig | €100

Marla Murusic | €208.52

Thank you!

E. | $75

Hvala na svemu u ime mačaka-Thank you for everything in the name of the cats

K. | €104.40

Happy new year to the cats of Vis and the volunteers!

Anna Kondrat | €100

Thanks for doing this, especially for poor Fuks that I found.

Diego Evans | €104.13

Marla Murusic | €207.98

Ralf | €31.45

Tracey Rice | €104.16

I recently visited the island of Vis which was lovely & noticed the street cats. Being a lover of cats, we are making a donation to help with sterilization & other medical expenses. Thank you for helping these beloved creatures.


Please help cat on Vis island. In Komiza on the bitch near Bichevo hotel is black cat with one eye. Please help him

Barbara Lasic | €52.23

Nina Andrea Storm | €62.61

Thank you for helping the cats in Vis. We were on holiday in Komiza and there were so many stray cats there and they were the friendlies cats. Many probably need to be sterilized. Glad there are people out there looking out for them.

Marla Murusic | €207.98

Robyn | €207.98

Thank you for the latest update and for the improvements you are making in the lives of the street cats of Vis.

Kathryn | €30

2022 calendar.grateful thanks from Edie rescued from Vis July ‘19 and now much loved & adored living in the U.K. Thank you for not abandoning them. So glad Vis now has a vet.

Julia | €31.43

2022 calendar plus a very little

Elis | €20

John | $182.04


Thank you for your kindness and compassion. Congratulations on all you have achieved this year and my very best wishes for 2022.


Thank you for your wonderful work!


Thanks for your great work snd help to cats, fantastic creatures!


A lifelong "cat person," I was delighted to meet several lovely felines in Dubrovnik and Split during a Mediterranean vacation. I learned of your wonderful work from U.S. food blogger (and recent visitor to Vis) Marcia Gagliardi. Her experience with your organization, beautifully described in her blog today, moved me to tears and to help. I wish it could be more!

Anonymous | €10

Please continue to be the voice for those who gave none. Spaying and neuroscience the answer and of course food and water and compassion. Thank you.

Vicki Shaw | €10

Crystel | $36

Wishing you all good luck and thanks for your great work and kind hearts! Best regards from an admirer from USA.

Anonymous | €104.11

Ljiljana Čulić | €75

Great project! Thank you for all that great work you did and you are doing for cats of Vis and for the island.