Street Cats of Vis

Helping People Help Cats

GREAT NEWS: Vis finally has a vet! After 20 years with no vet on the island, Dr. Mario Gavranović of Vet Vision opened his Vis clinic on May 12, 2021. Street cat sterilization has been funded by the town of Vis since February 2020, but we always need donations for other veterinary expenses such as exams, medications, veterinary-prescribed food and equipment to help us save lives. 

Donations are not used to pay anyone for their time: this is an all-volunteer project.

Donor Wall47

Phoenixsong Alysia | €15

Love to you and the Street Cats of Vis!

Sarah Mclean | €100

Sarah Mclean

Donation from Shirley Honsberger


Wesley | €31.41

Thank you for looking after Gadget and all the other cats of Vis!

Jeremy Thomas | €52.18

Thank you for helping the cats and for rescuing our little Gadget.

Diego Evans | €52.19

Evan Johur | €62.58

Doing beautiful things!

Jeremy | €62.56

Thank you for rescuing little Gadget

@Foster KittenDiary

Hi, this is from Barbra @fosterkittendiary. You guys are awesome and you’re doing great work.

Isabell | €50

Andrea | €31.42

Keep doing what you're doing, for the good of the cats and kittens of my favorite island Vis <3

Charlotte | €30

Thank you so much for all you're doing to help these poor cats - it's so good to know you're there for them.

Nancy Albert | €15.87

Thanks for everything you do.