Storm Trysail Foundation FUN(d)RACE(r) 2023






How the FUN(d)Race(r) To Round Block Island Works:

Race Results as of December 8:

Total Donors: 63

1. Gulf Coast 

2. California

2. Long Island/ Sandy Hook

4. Great Lakes 

5. Southern

6. Newport

7. Chesapeake Bay

8. Gulf of Maine / Marblehead

  • Start Time: NOW, but watch the finish on Dec. 13
  • How to Participate: Give at least $50 and choose your Station from the Dropdown Menu.
  • How to Win: Each station has a different donation threshold (ie "Rating") to move along the course based on their representative percentage of the total membership. So, as more people give and funds are raised, the closer the station gets to the Tent finish line. It's also a race to not be last!