Step 1-2-3 Mentor for Life Initiative






Commit to something meaningful. 

With just $10 a week, you can facilitate consistent access for kids in our virtual mentoring program. We have monthly bonding and community meetings on our Google Classroom Platform, but each kid who joins comes with a monthly cost of $10 per month. Our goal is to have them track their progress and make meaningful connections for years to come. Take the $10 Pledge

With just $300 per month, you can help us buy books for our Lawyers for Literacy Program which will purchase 8 Books on Literacy in Money, and Law and pursue the path towards being a lawyer. Each month, we will take a book and a lawyer will read it in a classroom for free and give everyone a copy of the book they read. Wouldn't you like to enhance a kid's access to books to inspire them to consider law? Take the $300 Pledge for Lawyers for Literacy!

Lastly, with just a commitment of $350 per year, you can help one kid attend our Step 1-2-3 Virtual STEM Summer Camp completely free. 

More details on camp are here.