Sponsor Susan Sarandon and Jodie Foster!

Susan Sarandon and Jodie Foster are two sassy, single lady geese. We took them in from the sellers of HCF 1.0, our first property in Oregon. They live with our Main Flock of chickens, roos, and ducks, and they pretty much run the show!

Anyone who has been around geese knows that you'll often hear geese before you see them, and these two are no exception. They are loud, loyal to their duck crew, intensely broody in spring, and love their water tubs. They're also inseparable - these girls are never more than a few feet apart from each other. We know many people are intimidated by geese, but we hope that by getting to know Susan and Jodie you'll be able to connect a bit more with these special birds.

Sponsors will receive quarterly emails with photos updating them on their sponsee(s), as well as other small perks and an opportunity to visit the sanctuary.

The Sanctuary at HCF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our EIN is 84-4799870.