Sponsor Pistachio!

Pistachio (Stach) is a very special little 'paca! We took in Stach, her mama Cashew, and her bro Mac in 2021. They were being fostered by Silver Swine Farm after being rescued from a hoarding case. 

Pistachio is a bit more timid than our other alpacas but that doesn't make her any less sweet. She is very attached to her mom and they will thankfully be able to stay together for their entire lives. Stach has a wonky leg because of an untreated vitamin D deficiency when she was just a baby. Though it looks very crooked, she gets around just fine and we give her special supplements to strengthen her ligaments and joints. Stach loves hanging with her mama, sun bathing, treats, and all other animals (she recently became best buddies with a visiting bunny!).

Your monthly donation towards her care will go towards hay, straw, supplements, vet bills, infrastructure, and more. Thank you for supporting this extra special girl!

Sponsors will receive quarterly emails with photos updating them on their sponsee.

The Sanctuary at HCF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our EIN is 84-4799870.