Sponsor Penelope!

Penelope is our newest cow resident! She was born on a small homestead that was intending to use animals for dairy and meat, but they quickly fell in love with their residents and couldn't bring themselves to slaughter or separate families. Penelope spent the first year of her life with her mom, Olivia, before she sadly passed away of cancer, leaving Penelope as the only cow at a year and a half old.

When we heard about Penelope's story, we knew she would be a perfect fit for our cowgirl Miriam, who lost all of her family and friends to dairies and slaughter. These two just met but they're already incredibly bonded. We can't wait to see Penelope grow up loved and safe. She's brave and sassy and it's going to be so much fun to see her play and explore with Miriam by her side. Her story is just beginning!

Sponsors will receive quarterly emails with photos updating them on their sponsee, as well as other small perks and an opportunity to visit the sanctuary.

The Sanctuary at HCF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our EIN is 84-4799870.