Sponsor Norwejuh

Norwejuh has been through so much, but she was just given a second chance at the good life! Born on a factory farm, her beak and toes were severed and she suffered a terrible wing injury resulting in lifelong septic arthritis. But she was rescued from a live market from Humane Long Island, an advocacy group, and recently joined us at the sanctuary. Here she will receive all of the medical care she needs to hopefully live a long life. This sweet turkey is so gentle and curious. We are so excited for you to get to know her! (We currently think Norwejuh is female but it's a bit too early to know for sure.)

Sponsors will receive quarterly emails with photos updating them on their sponsee, as well as other small perks and an opportunity to visit the sanctuary.

Happy Compromise Farm + Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our EIN is 84-4799870.