Sponsor Miriam!
Miriam is a very special lady cow. The seller of our new property ran a meat CSA and Miriam’s entire family was sent to slaughter. She was spared because they couldn't catch her. When we bought this property, we were given the opportunity to purchase her or they would have made sure she went to slaughter. Miriam is 4 years old (cows generally live until they're about 20 if allowed).
This sweet girl is very wary humans. She has seen all of her friends and family disappear and does not trust anyone, for good reason. She's made incredible strides since we moved here though, and no longer seems scared of her human caretakers. She's made wonderful friends with goats and alpacas, and we hope to be able to get her other cow friends in the future. She also just got her first structure (she slept in the woods her entire life before that) and eventually we'd like to get her a health/hoof check up as she’s never had any medical care.
We chose the name Miriam because one meaning of the Hebrew name is “rebellious.” This girl evaded slaughter because she was uncatchable, and now she’s made it to sanctuary life. What’s more rebellious than that?!
Sponsors will receive quarterly emails with photos updating them on their sponsee, as well as other small perks and an opportunity to visit the sanctuary.