Sponsor Blaze for One Month
Click the Donate Button to Sponsor Blaze for One Month! ❤️
Blaze was found by the South Florida SPCA as a malnourished stray near the local fire station (hence his name). Clearly, he isn’t malnourished any longer, as can be seen by his growing potbelly. He’s extremely friendly and has an awesome mischievous streak. He has been known to follow guests and even nip at their shirts (or butts) if they don’t pet him. He resides at Critter Hills along with nine other donkey friends.
Your sponsorship allows us to give Blaze the life he deserves, and funds his veterinary care, feed, hay, and more. With your one-month sponsorship, you’ll receive a digital certificate of “adoption."
Sponsorships are not only a great way to support the rescued residents of Critter Creek, but they also make great gifts!