Scholarship Donations

On behalf of Georgia Force Athletics, thank you for considering donating to our athletic scholarships.  As a non-profit, our goal is to keep registration costs as affordable as possible.  Registration fees for athletes cover the costs associated with equipment, uniforms, practice facilities, game day facilities, officials, insurance, and other expenses.

Our General Scholarships are used to help cover registration costs for athletes and their families who may be experiencing financial hardships.  

Athletes can also ask friends and family to help pay for registration fees by indicating the athlete's sport and including the athlete's name when donating.

Please note that scholarship donations for a named athlete are no longer eligible for sponsorship opportunities.  

* In the event the donation(s) exceed the registration costs for a specifically named athlete the additional amount will be transferred to the General Fund for our athletic program.

Sponsorship Levels

If you are donating as a company, you will receive the following benefits based on your donation if you choose to participate as a sponsor when submitting your donation.

Georgia Force Athletics is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 20-8819067. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall 2

Clear Path Family Chiropractic

Kim Martin | $100