Spokane Mountaineers Membership Sign-up for New Members

Membership Plans

Join the Spokane Mountaineers by choosing one of the following individual member plans during the sign-up process:

Please note for new members, there is an additional $5 administrative signup fee added to the amounts listed below for first-time registration.  This fee is waived if Annual Payment is selected.


Regular (ages 18+): $50/year

Joint Member: additional $25/year (for additional members of a single household once the household (same street address) has a paid membership account. You will be prompted during the sign-up process to provide the email address of the first paid membership)  

Junior (ages 15-17): $25/year (Please fill out the application  and email it to membership@spokanemountaineers.org, Junior Members must have this application on file with a parent or guardian signature)

College Student: $35/year

Active Military: $35/year

Associate: $35/year(living more than 90 miles from Spokane)

Senior: $35/year(67 or older at the time of sign up)


If you wish to pay by check, send the completed membership application to PO Box 1013, Spokane, WA 99201-1013.  Please be sure to include the email account you are paying to renew or activate.  

(membership application)