South County Youth Coalition
HOLIDAY 2024 ~ SCYC's Holiday Program reaches over 300 youth and families in our community, but we can't do it without your support. Please give generously and help make a holiday celebration possible for our struggling neighbors. When asked how to direct your donation, please choose "Holiday Fund" from the pull-down menu. THANK YOU!
Help us help our community! Since 1995, South County Youth Coalition has been enriching the lives of youth and families living in southern San Luis Obispo County, California. We provide enrichment and educational opportunities to youth through need-based grants for sports registration, Advance Placement test fees, field trips, camps, music lessons and more. We move quickly to assist youth and families with urgent basic needs, such as food, clothing, toiletries and transportation. We support families by encouraging responsible parenting through our no-cost parenting classes and interactive child-parent workshops. We collaborate with other non-profits and county agencies to help our families and children thrive!
Thank you for your generous support!