Solidarity with Children - Saleh Aljafarawi
$649 171,04
$750 000
في هذا الوقت الحرج، نتحد معًا في روح الإنسانية لنقدم يد العون والدعم لأطفال ونساء غزة الذين يعانون من آثار الصراع الطويل. نرفع شعار التضامن لنوفر لهم الغذاء والمياه والدواء والمأوى الآمن. إن مشاركتنا في هذه الجهود تمثل تعبيرًا عن قيم الإنسانية والرعاية، حيث نسعى جميعًا لتحقيق التغيير الإيجابي في حياة هؤلاء الأفراد الذين يحتاجون إلى دعمنا الفعّال. دعونا نبني جسرًا من المحبة والرحمة لتخفيف معاناتهم وتوفير بيئة آمنة ومستدامة لهم. في هذا الوقت الصعب، دعونا نقف معًا كقوة واحدة، لأن التضامن هو الطريق نحو إحداث التغيير الإيجابي وبناء مستقبل أفضل لأطفال ونساء غزة.
In this critical time, we unite in the spirit of humanity to extend a helping hand and support to the children and women in Gaza who are suffering from the effects of the prolonged conflict. We raise the banner of solidarity to provide them with food, water, medicine, and a safe shelter. Our participation in these efforts reflects the values of humanity and care, as we all strive to bring about positive change in the lives of those individuals who need our effective support. Let us build a bridge of love and compassion to alleviate their suffering and create a safe and sustainable environment for them. In this challenging time, let us stand together as one force because solidarity is the path to positive change and building a better future for the children and women of Gaza.
Mur des donateurs885
Anonymous | 200 $
ربنا يكون معكم يا أهل غزه
يا رب انزل على أهلنا في غزة الصبر والثبات والقوة وأعنا على نصرتهم
Carmel | 40 $
For the beautiful people of Palestine. You will be free ❤️
Anonymous | 120 $
المؤمن للمؤمن كالبنيان يشد بعضه بعضًا
ربي ينصركم على القوم الظالمين بحبكم 🤍
I stand with Palestine. ☝🏾🍉❤️🔥🇵🇸 #FREEPALESTINE
Sorry for what is happening, our hands are cuffed 😔 may Allah make every thing better 💕 Again please forgive us 🙏
Ramona Ali | 100 $
Mat Allah bless & protect you all. I pray for peace in Palestine 🇵🇸
Mohamed Yacine Dahou | 110 $
Chatri Sandra Samantha
I wish i could donate more, all my hearts flew away from Indonesia to Gaza to make all the children there warm in this cold weather. Stay warm, stay alive, stay safe. Allah is always be with us. Keep up your faith, the Gazans 🥹😇🤲🏻
May Allah Bring Peace In Palestine AAMEEN
We are protesting and striking as much as we can. Every day we increase awareness and every night we make dua. We will not stop until there is a ceasefire
Kailey | 50 $
I truly wish I could give more. Sending all my love from Texas. ♥️
Zohra Khorashi | 100 $
May Allah keep you all and protect you all always.
Dina Daraldik | 50 $
Chloe Cantu | 20 $
Gaza opened my family’s eyes. We wish we could do more. Love from Texas
Ana | 5 $
Ceasefire now!
Raquel | 50 $
May this storm pass. May we never forget. Thank you for opening our eyes
Josephine Roland | 5 $
Sidra Naeem
May Allah reward you for all your efforts. May Allah bring everlasting peace, security, and happiness to our beautiful souls of Falasteen. <3
humira | 50 $
I send you lots of duas hugs and love I wish I could give so much my Palestinian family xx
All i need is your pray for me
Anonymous | 100 $
Nolan Kohutynski Kohutynski