Solidarity Minded: 2024 Project
Solidarity Minded is seeking funding to support basic costs associated with creating a year long free mental health community programme in Kyiv. The project will provide free individual therapy sessions across different modalities, group sessions, community events (film screenings, book clubs, talks, lectures) revolving around mental health, and skillbuilding & recreational workshops with local and international experts. This initiative will take place in partnership with Repair Together at their hub in Zoloti Vorota.
Solidarity Minded is a mutual aid collective providing free education, art, and mental health support, specifically in crisis-hit areas where the latter is scarce to non-existent. We are not a neutral organization and are fundamentally opposed to racism, homophobia, transphobia, fascism, xenophobia, colonialism, and all forms of oppression. In 2023, we worked in Kurdistan (Northern Iraq), Lebanon, and Ukraine.
We intended to raise the majority of the funds for this year on a support tour organized in Finland, but were not successful in collecting the resources we needed. We also wanted to provide an online platform where people can donate year-round in 2024, so have created this page.
We hope to be able to graduate from a survival state of existing and depending on the generosity of others, to being able to employ locals and international volunteers in the places in which we've built a foundation for our work. Ones in which we aim to continue collectively developing with locals.
Given that our fundraisers online have not been as successful as most, we are conscious that the numbers listed below are unrealistic for a single collective volunteer to live off of for a year. We have lowballed everything for the sake of getting the funds we need soon (food and accommodation especially) and so we can resume focusing on planning, studying and working.
Funds collected will be used for:
Visa processing fee - 65.00
Mandatory Ukrainian health insurance - 90.00
Transportation (for visa, training, transport in Ukraine for year) - 100.00
Intensive psychotherapeutic training for working with PTSD - 300.00
Food - 150.00
Accommodation - 750.00
Interested in joining the collective as a volunteer mental health practitioner, artist, educator, or even as a fundraising volunteer? Write to us!
insta: solidarityminded