Sofia & Logan






🐾 A Special Request from Sofia & Logan 🐾

As we celebrate our union, we wish to spread the love further. Instead of wedding gifts, we invite you to join us in supporting a cause close to our heart.

Our cat adventure began in October of 2022 with Chicken, a tiny stray kitten we found in Miami’s Design District. Neither Logan nor I had ever had a pet. We were amazed by her intelligence, her charm, and the outpouring affection she showed us. We quickly learned that cats are much more than just independent creatures; they possess a kind of love that can truly enrich your life.

A few months later, our little cat family grew when Logan brought home Chicken's sister, Cannoli. This precious kitten had already faced a tremendous hardship, tragically losing a leg at a mere 2 weeks old. Sadly, stories like Cannoli's are far too common in South Florida, where stray and injured kittens struggle to survive. We knew we had to help to ensure that other injured kittens, just like Cannoli, receive the vital medical care they need to heal and thrive.

The Milk Drunk Foundation  -  This wonderful nonprofit organization provides love, care, and a new beginning for our feline friends in need.

Your contribution will help ensure that these adorable kittens receive the medical attention, nourishment, and affection they deserve. Let's make a difference together on this joyous occasion!

With love and gratitude,

Sofia & Logan

Donor Wall5

Ashhab Thakur

Chicken and Cannoli are the most loving cats—all the other Chickens and Cannolis out there deserve the same chance to be taken in one day!

Elia Innamorati

Milo Innamorati 🐾

Ariane Koizumi-Gomez | $50

Love and Happiness Forever. BG XO


Dino and Paul love their cousins ❤️

Michelle & Paul

Your dedication to saving our whiskered companions is truly ameowzing! Please accept this donation to help give our beloved kitties the love and support they desperately need. I love that you are doing this!