SMARTMEALS - Ladro Gertrude
Right now most charity meals programs are closed. At the same time restaurants and cafes have been hit hard by forced closures or limited trading. This is making people in your local community, including hospitality workers, vulnerable to poverty, hunger and homelessness. SmartMeals connects your local restaurants and cafes to their local homeless and community services to help feed people and save jobs. Donate $10 or more to provide one meal to someone struggling, and help your local café to employ staff.
Any donation over $2 is tax deductible.
To Donate by Direct Bank Transfer:
Account name: StreetSmart Australia
Bank: NAB
BSB: 083-004
Acc Number: 17243-2803
Please help us to keep track of your donations and email us with your name, donation amount and contact details, and a receipt will be issued.
Donor Wall4
Janelle Hulme | A$31.31
Awesome idea! Great work guys
Lisa | A$103.25
Georgia | A$31.31
Amazing work, thinking of everyone involved.
Luana | A$103.25
Brilliant idea! Love everything you are doing... love the pizza just as much :)