Sleeping Bags for Ukraine
We are raising money for 350 - 400 army sleeping bags for the soldiers in Ukraine defending their country at the front lines this winter.
We have previously delivered army sleeping bags on a smaller scale in Kherson, the Donbas and Kursk. With your help, we want to scale up and provide many more soldiers with a warm and comfortable sleeping bag.
These army sleeping bags have been used by Army soldiers and Marines from other countries. They are of very high quality, modular (2 sleeping bags in one) and suitable for temperatures down to -30 degrees. We can benefit from a favorable price because we can buy a large number at a time. Once the required amount has been raised, the sleeping bags will go on transport to a warehouse in Ukraine, where they will be distributed to volunteers who deliver the sleeping bags to the front lines.
Donatiemuur 36
Sjouke Kingma | €52,45
Keep up the good work!
Ed | $10,90
G.A. de Koning | $25
John Ikzoekeenmotor | €24,63
Succes! Groet
Patricia Harding | $104,42
Christiane Schmieger | €28,56