Silenced Stories






Silenced Stories 

3-part Workshop Series - Weekly on Saturdays

Starting June 19, 2021, 2:30pm - 4:30pm UTC

Facilitated by Christina Sayson & Dorian Cavé 

What stories in your own life have been pushed to the forefront? 

What stories have been silenced?

How has your country's historical education failed or succeeded in promoting marginalized voices and generating discourse on the realities of colonialism and racism? 


This workshop series offers an opportunity to upend prevailing narratives. By entering this space of speaking and listening to stories that typically are untold, we help lift the obscuring veil that holds systemic oppression in place. 


This workshop series invites you to step into your own personal history, and it may bring up difficult emotions.


This is a three-session workshop series, sponsored by the Deep Adaptation Forum’s Diversity and Decolonising Circle. Please do join us for the whole series, as there is a thematic progression from one session to the next. If you cannot make one of the three sessions, we will provide you with materials to read, watch, and listen to on your own, to make up for the missed session.


Group size limited to 25 

Please register here by June 17 



Registration and Donations


This workshop is an experiment in Strategic Solidarity. To register, please use the donation form on this page, and donate to a cause related to the topic of this workshop (see presentations below)

  • Save Our Schools network 
  • Pachamama Alliance 
  • National Indigenous Women's Resource Center
  • Write in another organization and supply us with a link to their donation page, and we will make sure your donation for this workshop goes to the organization of your choice 

About Donations: We invite you to contribute to an organisation that works on issues related to indigenous decolonisation. 10% of funds donated here will be transferred, via the Deep Adaptation Forum's OpenCollective page, to DAF's general operating fund. The remainder of donated funds will be forwarded by DAF's fiscal sponsor, the Schumacher Institute, to the organisation you select upon registering. Please feel free to donate as little or as much as you wish. DonorBox requires a minimum donation of £ 5 to record your registration. If you are unable to make a donation, please email us at to register instead. If you cannot join the training, but would still like to support this work financially, please use this form to donate, and leave us a comment that you are not planning to join the workshop in the "comments" section. 



Workshop Details 


Session 1 - Saturday June 19, 2:30pm - 4:30pm UTC 
See here for your local time.

Participants are invited to take a look at stories that have been silenced in their own and other’s participants lives 


Session 2 - Saturday June 26, 2:30 - 4:30pm UTC 
See here for your local time.

Participants are invited to understand and get in touch with their own rootedness 


Session 3 - Saturday July 3, 2:30 - 4:30pm UTC
See here for your local time.

Participants are invited to explore ways Climate Collapse can manifest in one’s life, and how privilege and systemic structures make us complicit


About the Facilitators 


Christina Maria Cecilia Mirasol SaysonChris is from Bacolod City, Philippines. She does volunteer and freelance coordination work for various organizations. She is facilitating this workshop as part of Possible Futures, a collective dedicated to amplifying the voices of the Global South in the pursuit of planetary regeneration. She has a Master’s Degree in Anthropology and a background in law and microfinance, and she is passionate about decolonizing herself and helping others do the same. She may be contacted at


Dorian Cavé - Dorian is a member of the Core Team of the Deep Adaptation Forum, and a member of the DAF Diversity and Decolonising Circle. Through his work and PhD research, Dorian is keen to explore the potential for social transformations in response to the global predicament. Simultaneously, he is working on developing his skills as a facilitator of self-organised groups, and eager to experiment with practices of mutual and social learning within such processes. He can be reached at

Sasha Daucus-- Sasha is a volunteer in the Deep Adaptation Forum and a member of the DAF Diversity and Decolonising Circle. She believes that one of the most impactful ways to increase love and reduce harm-- the mission of DAF-- is to address systemic oppression that has been passed down generation to generation. She is active in her local community in the Ozarks of the USA in Regenerative Cultures initiatives. She is supporting this workshop by helping with technology and logistics. She can be reached at 



About the Supported Organisations



The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, Inc. (NIWRC) is a Native-led nonprofit organization dedicated to ending violence against Native women and children. Native Americans are 3.5 times more likely to experience sexual assault and rape than any other ethnic group in the United States.  NIWRC is a leader in bringing visibility and change to this Silenced Story. 
Short Video Link: 


Pachamama Alliance

Pachamama Alliance’s mission is to empower Indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest to preserve their lands and culture and, using insights gained from that work, to educate and inspire individuals everywhere to bring forth a thriving, just and sustainable world. Read more here, and see this video to learn more about how Pachamama Alliance is actively supporting Ecuadorian Indigenous peoples to defend their rights, and protect the Sacred Headwaters of the Amazon river.


The Save Our Schools Network

Short Video Link: 

16 minute documentary: 

From the SOS About Us PageThe Save our Schools Network is a network of child rights advocates, organizations and various stakeholders working together to bring light and take action on the ongoing violation of children’s right to education, particularly those in the context of militarization and attacks on schools.


From Lumad Bakwit School: A school on the run"Since the declaration of martial law in Mindanao [in 2017], 85 lumad [Mindanao-based non-Muslim Indigenous] schools have been closed, affecting as many as 3,000 students, according to Rius Valle, a spokesman for the Save Our Schools (SOS) network, an alliance of NGOs formed to defend the lumad students’ right to education. Parents, teachers, community elders and the network decided to form the Lumad Bakwit School. 'It’s a campaign to show the rest of the country the state of the lumad schools in Mindanao,' Valle says. 'At the same time, lumad students are able to continue their studies.'”


All donations to the Deep Adaptation Forum (DAF) are managed by our fiscal sponsor, the registered UK charity Schumacher Institute. Company No: 6606284, Incorporated 31st May 2008 Registered Office: Create Centre, Smeaton Road BRISTOL, BS1 6XN Registered charity number: 1144674 from 15th November 2011 Change of name and institute status: 22nd August 2014 Information Commissioner’s Office Registration Number: Z2419674