Silenced no more
So as you know by now they got what they wanted and had me removed but I most certainly haven’t gone. It’s more important to me now than ever before to stand up and be heard but I can’t do it on my own. If anyone wants to contribute then they can do it here as PayPal also shut me down. I am going to keep speaking out against what I believe to be injustices and supporting the causes that I have so much passion for and genuinely appreciate the support that you have all continued with for me. I honestly couldn’t do this without it.
Donor Wall 132
Paul | £5
Based Amy said you needed some help... here's a small token... Seems that deal to plead guilty to avoid prison was a trick all along...
From Paul and Ancila, can't give much but every little helps right ;-) keep up the good work James fighting the good fight! Massive respect to you, we think you're incredibly brave and are giving us our voice.
Anonymous | £8
dads that run off/ unfaithful are one of the biggest problems in this society James.
Jonas | £20
Keep up the good work James
Richard | £10
Loved the Manchester demo video before you got coffeed
Jenny Meers | £5
Hi James, just donating a fiver towards your kangaroo court fine. Sorry it cant be any more than this, but this is all I can manage at the moment. Hope it helps. Jenny, Leeds
Sue Wilkinson
For all your good work james nfse
Pam Brogan | £10
Richard | £23
Contribution to your fine. Cant let the fuc***s win
david wakefield | £8
Our Justice system is beyond repair !!it is blatantly CORRUPT and run by SATANISTS
Kim Redman | £20
Lorraine McGinty-Mann | £20
Anne | £10
not much but a little towards the fine.
Emma kerr | £5
Love u james
Richard | £25
barry chapman | £10
Richard | £10
Hi mate have you thought about exploring whether you can get compo for wrongful arrest?
Steven Cope | £20
Keep up the good fight James, I am watching you closely. With the disgraceful likely imprisonment of Tommy, the movement will need a new figurehead. Please step up to the plate if needed. I'm right behind you
Gary tyndall | £80
Amanda Smith | £20
Just a little something to help towards your ongoing costs fighting for freedom of speech.
Georgina Hann | £10
Anonymous | £8
Good luck today at work sorry but GOOD LUCK
Amanda Smith | £10
Hi James. Hope you are ok after getting attacked the other day. My husband met you at Huyton. He didn’t realise what had happened to you before you got there. He wishes you all his best and hopes to see you again soon. Let’s keek fighting the good fight together 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Christopher | £25
Great to meet you in Fleetwood the other day James. Was a great selfie to send to sourpuss solbry
Brenda Parkes | £10
Christopher Bryan | £10
Stay strong James. We need more people like you speaking out
George | £8
We need more people like you James. In fact we need a huge public figure with massive influence over the sleeping population to have the courage to speak out. Andrew Norfolk was such a person. Even though at least two other figures had tried their damndest to wake the UK up to the rape gangs (and were hauled before the courts for their pains) the establishment wouldn't listen until a Times journalist grew a pair. Why are they so fuckin gutless?
Bruce | £10
Well done James. Stay strong
Roy Holloway | £10
satay in the fight James....
david | £10
Good luck James.The silent majority.