Support Our Community Projects






Since 1964, the Rotary Club of Signal Hill brings positive actions to our community through programs implemented for local benefit. Our members are thoughtfully engaged with civic causes, programs, and events. 

Our signature event, the Bob Long Memorial Mutt Run, is dedicated to find homes for sheltered animals in Long Beach.  70% of the proceeds from the 5k/1k race goes toward the general fund for the Long Beach Animal Care Services.  The adoption event at the race festival directly allows the public adopt animals at the finish line.

We also collaborate with the Assistance League of Long Beach in providing volunteers for the CAMEO mentoring program for high school students in Long Beach and Operation School Bell.

I understand that times are difficult, but for many more they are devastating. We kindly ask for your generosity to help the Rotary Club of Signal Hill continue supporting the most vulnerable people in our communities.

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