Shared Tree Sponsorship

Did you know that you can give the perfect gift to your loved ones no matter the season, the place and the time? It only takes a few minutes, and a minimal budget, but the value is immeasurable. Whatever gift you intend to give, be it a thank you letter, a birthday card, you can gift to your loved ones a shared tree sponsorship and send them the gift certificate by mail or email. This tree sponsorship model allows up to 10 people to contribute to sponsoring a seedling growing into a strong tree for 3 years! The seedling gets personal care in the greenhouse for 1 year, and then it is planted in one of the Legacy Tree planting sites where it is watered and cared for another 2 years.

When you gift your loved ones a shared tree sponsorship, they will immediately receive Shared Tree Sponsorship Certificate by email. In addition, they will receive access to our community area, including maps of the trees they are sponsoring after the trees have been planted. Knowing that you are a part of efforts to make the planet a greener safer environment is the best gift you can give your loved ones and yourself any time.

Join us on a mission to plant millions of trees worldwide!