Support the work of Shalom Jerusalem Foundation
In Shalom Jerusalem, we are committed to the following activities to realize our vision and mission:
1. Organize teaching and public speaking events on the Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria to get Israel on The Right Road to Peace.
2. Instill great love towards the Temple Mount within the nations: invitations to submit prayer requests to pray on the Temple Mount and provide guided tours of the Temple Mount - a close up experience of the most holy site in Judaism.
3. Disseminate to the Nations what we believe the Temple Mount should really be: a House of Prayer for ALL nations. This is accomplished through teaching and public speaking tours, visiting international communities around the world and accepting invitations to speak in various occasions.
4. Advocate for freedom of worship for all nations on the Temple Mount: involving a massive amount of intelligent Public Relations work, lobbying and convincing decision-makers to change current policy.
5. Run an aggressive Digital Marketing campaign to spread all of our teachings, education sessions and public speaking out to the nations in English. We are aware that Israel is losing the Social Media War and the noisy minority is gaining more power in determining the fate of Israel in general and the Temple Mount specifically.
The work of advocating for Israel and the Temple Mount is an expensive one. To be able to continue our mission, we depend on the contribution of supporters like you. Please consider giving generously.
May we all merit to see the rebuilding of the Third Temple speedily in our time.
Shalom Jerusalem Foundation.
Donor Wall111
Ann Stacy
Sowing a seed in Jerusalem that all my children will be disciples of Yeshua
Shawanda Lewis | $18
Victoria Denne | $104.15
Reb Glick and partners: you are all helping to change Tisha B'Av from a fast to a festival! May we merit the building of the Third Temple speedily in our days!
James Mucklestone | $37.69
James Mucklestone | $36
Shekinah | $37.69
[Arise & Ascend 2020.] To God be the glory!! The Lord bless you and keep you in all that you do for HIM, and may He send His warring angels to protect you always wherever you go.
Patricia | $20
Arise & Ascend 2020 Shalom from the United States!
Roniyah | $100
Thank you for the opportunity to join you virtually in Israel. Shalom from the United States!
Deborah Galatzan | $104.15
In memory of our beloved, Joseph
Kimberley Kincher
Darcy Silver | $2,500
May it be Your will that this donation redeem all your Children all over the world. May You not only restore the prayer services but also to enjoy the music and offerings in completeness leshema! Sound the Trumpets and prepare Holy garments; Ready the Kohanim and gather Them at the Holy Site. Thank you HaShem for your mercy and true grace!
Tracie | $104.15
Richard Holthuijsen | $52.23
Lorene Ward | $37.69/M
Anyone who tries to divide Israel be divided and anyone who unites Israel be United
I saw your at GIZ in Texas, and told the Lord, if you bless me I will donate to your cause. I am in Costa Rica, and a God superseded my blessing. So I am fulfilling my promise to Him and your ministry. God bless you and Pura vida from Costa Rica
Yochanan | $104.15
Miriam | $37.69
Gerald Petlock | $18
Colonel William Louard Holloway Holloway
Michelle Kravitz | $374.14
Anonymous | $19
may peace be in Jerusalem and USA and the World.
Florence Aapcoj | A$1,569.52
Richard Holthuijsen | $19
Eli | $180
Darcy Silver | $2,500
May this donation tip us all over the edge in zchut to not only restore the prayer services but also to enjoy the music and offerings in complete purity, leshema! Sound the Trumpets and dawn you holy vestments. It’s time!
Mary Anne Pinelli | $26.27/M
Celestine Blow-Howell
Wendy Rivera | $104.15