Shakespeare in the State Parks 2020

Summit Players Theatre has been committed to producing high-quality, accessible, free Shakespeare across Wisconsin for six seasons. Originally a small project created by recent college graduates, we're now a fully-fledged non-profit theatre company that has served over 8,000 people on our travels. Our mission is simple: share empowering theatre experiences with children and communities throughout Wisconsin, regardless of income or background.

Our sixth season reflects our commitment to growing and serving the greatest number of communities across the state of Wisconsin. We will offer Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, a fairy-tale like play combining elements of tragedy, comedy and romance, in 24 Wisconsin state parks between June 13 and August 23, 2020. This is our most ambitious season yet, and we need your support to make it possible.

We are committed to keeping the tour accessible to families regardless of income or where they live. That's why seeing a Summit show or playing at a workshop is always free, even though it costs us money to make it happen. Your contribution means covering the cost of bringing free Shakespeare to your area, and by donating more, you can ensure quality education and theatrical fun reach even more people across the state.

Donations to the Summit Players allow you to "pay it forward" for others who may not be able to otherwise afford theatre experiences and support the work of talented actors and artists who make our tours possible. To put it simply, we can't do it without you.

Please consider making a donation, and spread the word! 

Summit Players Theatre is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, EIN: 47-5139071. Your donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.