SFOI Monthly Fixed Costs

SFOI's goal is for souls at major sporting events, concerts and festivals to hear the life giving Word of God; be provided an opportunity to respond and be ministered in the moment and to be referred to a Bible teaching church for discipleship.

In other words SFOI wants sinners to become Christians!

The giving options consist of:

  • Recruiting costs to organize an event, invite evangelists to participate and report their work.
  • Legal support for the evangelists to operate under the law at events and any subsequent follow up when those rights are obstructed.
  • Resources for the evangelists: Gospel literature, backpack, Waterproof Bibles, amplifiers and sermon preparation.
  • UK & Canada operations: costs to get their national operations started.

The following contains specific of the above categories.




Accounting & Bookkeeping


  • Fixed admin costs: CPA, rent, Web site host, various items, etc: $3,413 / month.




  • SFOI Staff: $4,300 / month. 




  • $600 for one postcard or letter mailing to churches announcing an event with follow up calls.

Bill’s Personal Ministry


  • Bill recruits, organizes and leads teams at major sporting events throughout the US and world. He is spearheading the development of SFOI in Canada and the UK. Cost: $4,300 / month.

Evangelist Training


Legal Preparation


SFOI Event Leader Training

  • SFOI recruits individuals to lead outreaches in their area. They are brought into Chattanooga for a weekend of fellowship and training. Dates: January 10 - 12. Cost: $10,000

Super Bowl Outreach

  • Team Leader’s cost to and from New Orleans, LA Feb. 6 - 9 during Super Bowl Weekend in New Orleans. Team Leaders recruit evangelists, teach at the SBO and lead their teams into the city for three days: Cost $10,000.

UK & Canada

  • Obtain Sponsor Letter for David Day a US evangelist who plans to move to London. SFOI Lord willing will hire David to recreate in the UK what is happening in the US: Cost: £20,000.

If you prefer to mail a check please mail it to this address:

4420 Oakwood Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37416-9998

SFOI.org operates as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization under the assumed name article of the state of Tennessee code. The official designation would be: The Ministry of Unification, Inc. d/b/a Sports Fan Outreach Int'i. The EIN # that is applicable is: 58-2508208. All contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.