Thank you for your prayers, assistance and gifts to help the mission of Walking Worthy!
Below is what one middle-aged woman, facing her second divorce, had to say about her experience with our course:
"The Walking Worthy curriculum has been THE most important investment I have made in my journey to spiritual and emotional growth and healing...I have learned how the Lord sees me and desires for me to live in Him and have healing from the past emotional wounds. I have learned that I can be whole and healthy despite my dysfunctional past."
There are still so many who are not experiencing the abundant joy and peace of the Christ-filled life and so there is much more work to be done.
Would you prayerfully consider a financial gift to Walking Worthy this month to help fund these critical initiatives and change more lives?
Train new class facilitators who can conduct classes in new locations in the Tennessee Valley area.
Update course materials with more contemporary research as well as new audio/video resources.
Conduct focus group research of past participants and their families to gain more insight into the life changes that come from completing Walking Worthy and what improvements we can make for future courses.
Establish connections with local pastors to better support the local church.
While we remain small in scope - the quality and impact of the ministry of "Setting the Captives Free" does not.