Scotland's journey to statehood
Newsnet supports independence for Scotland. We are not allied to any political party and reserve editorial right to criticise when we think it warranted.
It is now over three years since we last did a fundraiser. That is long gone and I have been supporting the costs to keep Newsnet online. That is no longer sustainable.
Why we need funding
With many changes over the years since Newsnet was founded in March 2009 more work needs to be done to iron out residual snags and improve the speed the site loads.
* Newsnet is not a blog on a standard low cost medium like Blogger it needs the sophistication and graphic content typical of an online newsroom, requiring a large hosting package. Budget £590.00
* The website needs a major overhaul to iron out different software systems previously used to enable faster site loading and cope with the increased graphic content Budget £1200
* We pay a lot of attention to security to keep Newsnet and readers safe. Budget £810.
* Subscriptions to key publications and reports to deliver fact based journalism. Budget £510
* Editorial support for sub editing and research Budget £600
* We are building a dedicated server to ensure constant back up of the site as part of a 3 tiered back up strategy. This will include a secure VPN to link writers, technical and research support and a resource reference database. Budget £990
Adding Donorbox fees of £300 brings the grand total to £5,000
Our writers are treated equally and are equally unpaid but without them there would be no Newsnet.
Please contribute what you can to keep the oldest independence news site going to realise our ambitions for Scotland. Independence is coming and now is the time to prepare as the pace picks up for a further build up in 2022. This appeal will remain open to allow people to contribute as and when they can. Small regular amounts are very welcome.
Thank you for your support. Together we win independence
Russell Bruce