Every child deserves an edcation!
What is the "School 4 All" project?
Our goal is to provide education to Syrian refugee children who are not able to attend school this year (2021-2022).
Approximately 40% of the 660,000 school-age Syrians in Lebanon went to school in 2019. The remaining 396,000 did not. More than half of Syrian children who are refugees have never been to school in Lebanon.
Why did we start the "School 4 All" project?
We are the NGO “Greenhouse for All.” We support Syrian refugees in need by distributing seedlings that we’ve organically grown in our greenhouse. For elders and families who need manual help, we visit them and make vegetable gardens together. We operate primarily in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, and are hoping the seedlings will provide a method of aid that will help them be self-sufficient.
When we visit refugee camps to plant vegetable gardens, the children always surround us. This gave us a chance to get to know the kids, and listen to their stories; most of the kids haven't attended school since February 2020 due to COVID-19. The pandemic pushed schooling online, making it inaccessible to many of the families. Most of the families only have one smartphone for a few or more school aged children, making it impossible to attend classes online.
Once we began learning about the situation, we began accessing the families. According to our survey of 57 children in 21 families, 70% of them have never attended school; and all conveyed that they would like to (survey was conducted in Deir Zenoun in the Bekaa Valley).
We also asked the families why the children had never or were not currently attending school, and found a myriad of reasons. Some attempted to register their children with NGOs that provide schooling, but found that they were at capacity and unable to accept new students. Others live far from school, and are unable to afford the cost of transportation. Some of the older children, especially girls, have to stay home to provide care for their younger siblings. For some reason or other, these kids had slipped through the cracks and did not have access to an education.
At Greenhouse for All, we believe that every child deserves an education, so we launched our “School 4 All” project in parallel with our agricultural initiative.
We kicked off the “School 4 All'' project in June 2021. At first, we had two sites that served as makeshift classrooms: the first was an empty tent directly within a refugee camp (negating the barrier of transportation), and the second was an empty building that was under construction (in the beginning stages of being built) that the landlord allowed us to use for free. This house was neighboring the families in need. In these two classrooms alone, we were able to reach 37 children between the ages of 4-16.
In mid August, the landlord of the construction house relayed that we were no longer able to use the space, so we scrambled to find another site for the kids. This got us thinking, how many other children in the surrounding area did not have access to education? We accessed six refugee camps and housing for refugees and found a total of 201 children that are not able to attend school this year. In fact, some of the children were in their teen years and had never attended school. This made us expand our vision; we were now on a quest to provide schooling for all 201 children.
At the end of August, we were able to find a school with 10 classrooms and the owner agreed to give us the first month rent free! We were also able to find 7 teachers and began registration on September 1st. Our first day began shortly after, on September 3rd, and we get more and more kids approaching us for registration everyday. Currently, we have just over 100 kids that come to school. We open 3 days a week, 4 hours a day, and teach Arabic, English, math, and social skills. The class times are short to start, as the children have not been in a formal education setting for years, and long class times are strenuous on their attention spans.
Breakdown of $ 1391
-Rent for school : $150/month
The landlord agreed to give us the first month's rent free, potentially even longer. After that, rent will ensue.
- Utilities (gas for heat, electricity, and water): $50/month
-Salary of part-time teachers : $648/month
Currently, we are aiming to have 9 teachers, and pay them roughly$72 per month.
-Teaching materials : $193
>Printing paper $96/month
(450LL/sheet, 20 sheets /child/week, 20*55 children = 1100 sheets/week 1100*450LL = 495,000LL = $24/week
>Writing utensils $46 (103,125 + 183,315+ 625,000=911,440LL)
_Pencil 103,125LL (=1875LL /child * 55 children, 2.5pcs/child/month, 15,000LL /20pcs), _Eraser 183,315LL (=3333LL /child * 55, 2pcs/child/month, 5000LL/3pcs), _Notebook 625,000LL (=450,000 + 175,000, 2 books/child/month, 7,000LL/book for 25 children, 15,000LL/book for 30 teens)
>Stationery $51
_paints $10 (50,000LL/12 colors * 4 times), _drawing papers $16.5 (55,000LL /child/time, 20,000LL*20 sheets/child, 6 times), _colored pencils $4 (20,000LL/12 colors, 4 sets), _materials $20.5
-Organic school lunch : ~$350/month
We also want to provide some organic school lunches. We’ll hire cookers from refugee camps and use organic vegetables from our gardens. It cost ($46/month*2cookers for part-time salary, equipment $20/month, other ingredients(rice, pasta, bread and so on) $350/month)
If we’ll receive donations more than $1391,
Calculated with $1 = 20,000LL
Thank you for caring.
私たちは、レバノンのベカー渓谷でシリア難民と働くNGO「Greenhouse for all」です。私たちは彼らと一緒に菜園を作り、オーガニックの苗を彼らに提供しています。また、野菜を自由に育てられる菜園・コミュニティガーデンを共有することで、彼らの食料自給促進を目指しています。
私たちの活動「Uber Garden」では、難民キャンプに赴き、難民らと菜園を作っていますが、そこではいつもキャンプの子どもたちに囲まれます。彼らの話を聞いていると、2020年2月からCOVID-19の影響で学校は閉鎖。ほとんどの子供は現在、学校に通っていません。それ以前には、政府の圧制に抗議するストライキが2019年10月より頻発し、実質2年弱、質ある教育を受けられていないのが現状です。多くの家庭は、一家に一台しかスマートフォンを所持していないため、リモート学習では、各家庭平均5人とも7人ともいわれる兄弟姉妹でそれを取り合いながら、学校と通信。オンライン授業に多大な労力を注ぐ先生には大変感謝していますが、リモート学習は決して良い学習方法とは言えない現状です。
また、なぜこれまで学校に通ったことがなかったのかを尋ねました。公立学校が、彼らがレバノンに合法的に居住していない場合、公共の試験を受けることを拒否しているためだといいます。また、遠隔地に住んでいて、交通手段を手配する経済的余裕がないのも理由のようです。そのような結果を受け、我々は何ができるかを考えました。そこで、既に進めている農業活動と並行し、「school 4 all」プロジェクトを開始することを決定しました。
まず、プレスクールと称し、今年6月より最小単位でプロジェクトを開始しました。建設中の家と、空いている難民テントが一時的な私たちの教室です。幼稚園を含む5つのクラスに40人の子供が通って来ています(ティーン13人、学童20人、幼児7人)。 当初、レバノンにある他のシリア人学校を参考に、週3日5時間授業を想定していたのですが、始めてみると子供の集中力が持たず、週6日2レッスンに切り替え。毎日勉強する習慣をつけることで、少しずつ学習したことを記憶に留めてもらえればとの配慮からです。
私たちは「Greenhouse for all」という有機農業支援NGOです。脆弱な家族に、無料で野菜の苗木を提供しています。そして、収入のない家庭、失業家族、高齢者、シングルマザー、そして心身に障害を持つ方など、周囲からの支援を受けていない家族と一緒に菜園を作っています。難民キャンプを訪ねると、農地がないことも多いのですが、屋上や玄関先、キッチン、壊れた浴槽を再利用するなどして、何とか野菜を育てる場所を確保し、彼らの自給の助けとなる活動を続けています。
Donor Wall14
OENZ japan | $454