With gratitude, we only take what is freely given - Offering a gift for Mondo Facilitation
The journey of Mondo Zen Facilitation begins with deepening into silence, and completes with the opportunity to practice whenever an emotional trigger arises. This is an ongoing practice. You have taken the first step. When considering a dana contribution or gift, please recognize that your facilitator has made a significant commitment to becoming a facilitator. He or she is deeply committed to service and practice.
Currently, it is essential that we offer a living wage for the gifts we receive. In a for-profit setting, the four sessions the Mondo Facilitation process would be valued at $1200. We offer the option of choosing the amount for the gift to be freely given. A small portion of your gift will go to Shining Bright Lotus, so we can continue to train new facilitators. Much of your gift will be given directly to your facilitator.
Shining Bright Lotus Meditation Society is a program of the Teleosis Foundation, a 501C3 not-for-profit organization recognized by the US IRS. Your contributions are considered a tax deductible.