Save Your Libraries! Vote NO on 2!






Proposition #2 threatens to gut the New Orleans Public Library system, cutting 40% of the library budget for the next 20 years. 

Under the proposed millage reallocation, the library system would lose $7.5 million in 2021 alone. The current millage rate of 2.58 provides the majority of the library’s funding. Proposition #2 would cut this millage to 0.987.

There is no doubt that a 40% cut would mean reductions in library services and branches closing. But Proposition #2 would also mean the library would lose its independence. Instead of taxpayer money going directly into the library system, the reduced funding would instead be funneled into a “library and early education fund” controlled by the mayor.

Meanwhile, most of the library’s lost funding would wind up in an “economic development” slush fund. The propositions on the Dec 5 ballot redistribute taxpayer money into three new mayor-controlled funds, with little taxpayer accountability.

New Orleans loves libraries. That’s why we voted overwhelmingly for this funding — first in 1987, and again in 2015. A NO vote for #2 means continued funding for libraries and education.

With the December 5 election approaching fast, it’s essential we get our message out in front of as many voters as possible. We plan to do this through billboards, yard signs, wall hangers and targeted social media ads. 

With your help, we can fund libraries, fund education and fund communities by saying NO on #2 in the December 5 election.

New Orleans DSA is acting as a fiscal sponsor of the Vote NO on 2 Coalition. All residual funds at the end of the campaign will go to New Orleans City Workers Organizing Committee

Donor Wall20

Jan-Heinrich Brockmann | $100

I interned at NOPL (Main & Broad Branch) in 1994 and it was a short but wonderful experience that has had a huge impact on my life. I am shocked to hear that #2 threatens the existence of the public library system.

Marcus | $50

Anonymous | $1,000

I was surprised to learn how little money the New Orleans library receives compared to other municipalities in Louisiana, and yet NOPL services are second-to-none, the staff do a top-notch job, and the buildings are accessible and well maintained. In New Orleans it's one of the *few* public services that runs efficiently and makes you feel proud. Proposition 2 is an obvious money-grab. The new library Director and the City Council are being dishonest about the impact this massive budget-cut will have on our community--and they know it! The Mayor is being intentionally vague on how she'll re-use the library's funds (maybe she'll pay her back taxes). The library is the only service in this city that actually works, and works well, and has a noticeable and positive impact on the quality of life here. It makes no sense to undermine this great institution. If money is tight elsewhere and we need a better budget, then let the Mayor have an honest discussion with the people. Until that happens, I'm voting to save our libraries!

Anonymous | $40

There is never a good time to cut funding for education and community services. Stand up for your citizens, New Orleans! This is our money and our community.

Mathew | $25

Thank you for the sign and buttons!

Mira Kohl

Doreen | $20

Libraries saved my life as a child from a working class family with little money for extras like books. I read all sorts of stuff at my local library plus now it’s one of the few places to get free access to the internet. Thanks to all those working on this campaign!


I'm a historian and I would not be able to write the dissertation I'm working on without the Louisiana/City Archives Collection at the New Orleans Public Library. Libraries preserve local history and culture in addition to the myriad services they provide for residents. God I hope this proposition fails.

Anonymous | $50

Very worthy effort to support saving our public libraries


We love libraries!

Valerie McGinley | $50

The NOLA Public Library MUST NOT BE cut, if anything, we need to redirect resources to increase the budget so that the library can continue to serve all of the citizens of New Orleans.

Lianna | $50

Charlie | $20

Primary Cantrell

Cate | $50

Anne | $50


There is a large swath of current city expenditures that could use austerity, but the New Orleans Public Library System is one such byline that should actually be getting *increased* funding! This proposed draconian slash must be defeated December 5th!


Our libraries are vital for leisure, learning, and access for the general public. Glad to see people standing up to those slashing of the library's budget and showing that we want our libraries with all their allotted services. Let's push back and protect our libraries!

Monique Harden | $100

Bob | $10

It's a disservice to the children of New Orleans that the mayor's office will direct only $1 to early childhood education for every $5 taken away from the library. In the midst of COVID, the library has been the ONLY source of early childhood education for many poor families in our city. It's disgraceful and we should never forget where Mayor Cantrell's priorities lie. If you support libraries and early childhood education, you should vote NO on #2.

Sarah and Tommy Usdin | $500