Donate to Historic Atlanta's LGBTQ Committee

The LGBTQ Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC) is a committee of Historic Atlanta, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping communities save and thoughtfully reuse Atlanta’s historic places through advocacy, education, and technical assistance. The committee is leading the way for LGBTQ preservation in the City and State to identify, evaluate, and protect LGBTQ historic resources.

Your donation will go towards the goals of the LGBTQ HPAC's 2020 Strategic Plan to save these underrepresented historic places. These goals include installing historic markers and working toward the protection of LGBTQ landmarks. One of the most significant goals of the 2020 Strategic Plan is the creation of an LGBTQ Historic Context Statement for Atlanta. A historic context is an in-depth study that will help preservation professionals, government, and the public better identify and evaluate LGBTQ historic resources thus providing a strong foundation for future preservation efforts.

Please direct any questions about donations to For LGBTQ HPAC-specific questions, please email

Thank you for helping us accomplish these important goals! With your help, we will #savelgbtqatl.

Your donation to Historic Atlanta, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is tax deductible. Save your electronic receipt from your email and consult a tax professional. No goods or services of any value were provided to you in exchange for your donation.

Donor Wall4

Anne Farrisee

Keep up the good work!

Anne Farrisee

Thank you for focusing on this!

Debbie Reece | $52.07

Charlie Paine