At Satoshi Action we believe in the transformative potential of Bitcoin. Our mission is to protect AND advance Bitcoin adoption here in the USA and across the world. Our non-profit efforts have led to major policy wins for Bitcoin, foundational peer-reviewed research for Bitcoin, and mass lawmaker education.

A Quick Summary of the wins we have secured for Bitcoin in the last two years:

- Passed 4 bills into law to defend Bitcoin

- Directly impacted 2,000+ lawmakers

- Helped advocates write 25,000+ letters to Congress

- Defeated anti-Bitcoin policies

- Developed pro-BTC peer reviewed research

- Introduced pro-BTC bills in 20 states

- Testified dozens of times on behalf of Bitcoin

- Helped both sides of the aisle support pro-BTC legislation

- Activated multiple non-profits to join the Bitcoin fight

Why Support Satoshi Action?

We pride ourselves on producing 'proof-of-work' for Bitcoin which to us means that we are generating real and measurable wins for Bitcoin that are outcomes we can 100% prove were achieved because of our efforts.

In total we have introduced our model policy in 20 states and passed them into law in 4 states. We have produced 10 ground breaking research papers with multiple papers making their way into peer reviewed journals, and we have impacted over 1,500 lawmakers across the USA from the state level all the way up to every single member of Congress. 

Our organization is responsible for making 'Right to Mine' and Right to Self Custody' a reality. We were the first in the world to pass those rights into law. We have passed these rights and others in 4 states already, but we are just getting started. These wins are already impacting the federal landscape. Just weeks after passing our 4th bill into law, the GOP party adopted 'Right to Mine' and 'Right to Self-Custody' into their party platform. 

Our efforts have also resulted in other groups including think tanks and trade associations to join the Bitcoin fight with some non-profits endorsing and advocating for our policy efforts.  

Lastly, Satoshi Action is committed to educating legislators and regulators about the benefits of Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining. We believe that well-informed policy making is crucial for achieving favorable Bitcoin-related legislation. To support this, we are creating detailed educational resources to dispel myths and illuminate the advantages of Bitcoin and mining. Over 2,000 lawmakers have been directly impacted by our efforts including every single member of Congress. 

Whats Next?

Our goal in 2025 to is to double the number of states with pro-Bitcoin legislation on the books. We will also continue producing more research to back up the claims that we know are true about Bitcoin including its potential to positively impact the grid, the environment, our economy, and society as a whole. By the end of 2025, we plan to have educated or directly impacted over 5,000 state and federal lawmakers nationwide. 

Support our mission to make the USA the best place in the world to be a Bitcoiner and Bitcoin miner. 

None of our efforts would be possible without your support. As we strive to position the United States as a leader in Bitcoin innovation, we depend on the dedication and passion of our community. The best way you can support Satoshi Action is by becoming a monthly supporter. I hope that our consistent and proveable wins (Proof-of-Work) encourages you to become a monthly supporter.

I am immensely thankful for your support!

- Dennis Porter & The Satoshi Action Team

Bitcoin Donations: For those who prefer donating in Bitcoin, you can use this link to donate either on-chain or through the Lightning network:

Satoshi Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) which means contributions are not tax deductible.

Donor Wall139


AAIM Data Centers | $1,000

Continue the good work

Jeffrey Shawan | $15.93/M

Sue | $52.37

Thanks Dennis for all your hard work!

MICHAEL | $5.52

Thanks for all your hard work!

Lively Innovations | $25/M

Thank you SAF and Dennis for all the hard work, real talk and great relations you are helping build in our mining community.

Joseph | $10.72/M

Florida should be next on your list of states.


Hope this helps keep the special interests beat back and out of the way of technological and economic progress.

Jeremy Baker | $25

Thank you to Satoshi Action Fund and Dennis Porter for all the Bitcoin advocacy. It's more appreciated than you realize.


Your work is crucial--thank you!!

George | $250

Keep up the good fight in Texas!

Michael | $50

Thank you for your efforts to protect Bitcoin in Texas!

Thames Marketing, Inc. | $520.87

Keep it up! The States Rights advancement is very important moving forward! Thank you.

B Z | $25/M

Beau Turner | $26.34/M

Thank you for the freedom preserving, enlightened policy you bring to the world. What you do is needed and essential. Thank you from all miners, Bitcoiners, and sovereign persons

Baylor Landry

Giga Energy appreciates all of the hard work you guys do.

Kevin | $52.37/M

Education is a pillar of that successful future!