ROBC Holy Trinity Private School
Holy Trinity Private School is an orthodox Christian private school dedicated to preserving the Old Believer faith dedicated to our traditions and heritage. Holy Trinity Private School is devoted to raising children as God intended. Our peer-to-peer school allow us to provide educational opportunities for all ages. We are Christians whose faith and traditions have stood unchanged since the early 1600s. We are dedicated to preserving our heritage, providing services to our families in need, and creating a better future for our children.
Growth In Faith
ROBC leadership members formed together to offer a biblical emphasis in all areas of education and living. They are committed to creating an environment that enables people to love, respect, and understand what it means to be a Christian. The ROBC is driven by ideas and goals from individuals passionate about preserving the Old Believer faith and helping the community thrive in God’s image. ROBC is a sweeping movement to answer God’s call for justice in this fragmented world, particularly in the areas of protecting religion, spiritual teachings, and care for each other.
Make A Difference
God designed the Christian lifestyle to be one of service and giving. Just as Christ came to serve us by pouring out his life on the cross for our salvation, we are also called to follow his example of serving by pouring out our lives for the good of others. Your donation positively impacts our community and helps provide the resources needed to support the Old Believer faith. Any contributions to the ROBC are valued and greatly appreciated. We are very thankful for each one of you who supports our movement.
Our Vision
Our teachings will ground students to understand the Old Believer community history regarding the Russian Orthodox faith. Their lessons will challenge them to achieve academic excellence while providing a lifelong service to God, the Old Believer community, and others as practitioners of true Christianity.
Our Mission
Our mission is to protect and preserve our Orthodox Old Believer faith, practices, and traditions and make disciples of Jesus Christ.