Re-Calling Our Ancestors Donation Portal

today and all days,

may we tend our histories

and tell our stories

becoming ancestors

courting a flourishing future

of wholeness, of wellness, of justice.

may our ancestors be known, healed, and honored, 

may the haunting histories be reconciled,

may those coming generations be served, 

and may liberation come closer  

through our gathering, our attention,

our prayer, and our learning.

– from the Re-Calling our Ancestors Invocation

In order to continue offering Re-Calling our Ancestors courses, cultivate curriculum, and deepen efforts toward white anti-racist culture, the ROA team is looking at about $7,000 of ongoing monthly expenses beginning in October. The continuity and development of Re-Calling Our Ancestors depends on our wider community of support. Please join us today, and support ancestral recovery, truth-telling, and collective repair.


Donation Details:

We are grateful to our fiscal sponsor, Youth Passageways.Youth Passageways’ vision is for all youth to be supported by family, community & society. When we create pathways of wholeness, love, and liberation for all youth, we ensure that we don't criminalize, isolate, or abandon anyone. Our 170+ partners are rebuilding healthy culture one young person, one family, and one village at a time. 

You are welcome to donate by using this form, or by sending a check to Youth Passageways, PO Box 46631, Kansas City, MO 64188. Please place 'ROA' in the notes section of your check.


As a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization (Tax-ID: 47-4750095) your gift to Youth Passageways is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 

If you have any questions please contact us.

Donor Wall2

Daniel | $100/M

Thank you for offering this opportunity to support what I know is truly sacred life-changing work.

Mary | $100