Rising Kites






The details surrounding Ellie's birth and the days that follow aren't something I (Meghan) talk much about.  Partly because we've come such a long way but also because they still carry so much heaviness in my heart.

When I received the phone call confirming Ellie's Down syndrome diagnosis I was home alone in my bed.  I felt a numbing sensation as I perused the open tabs on my macbook with various google searches, images, potential medical risks of a Down syndrome diagnosis.  Having only held Ellie for a few moments I knew her mostly over facetime and photographs, and Ben had yet to even lay eyes on our newborn daughter due to Covid restrictions preventing him from being there for her birth, and keeping us both from stepping foot into the NICU.

That first week of separation, and even in those early months home together as a family of four I had been so focused on this unexpected diagnosis and what it might mean for Ellie, for our family, for our future... I had yet to witness first hand the magic and miracles that came along with it.  

And yet, in that dark season there were glimmers of light, one of the brightest sources being Rising Kites.  I had stumbled up Danielle's instagram account and for the first time I found myself encouraged and hopeful that the dreams I had for my family were not lost as I once feared. Witnessing the joy her daughter Sammie exuded through photos and video, watching the sweet sibling relationship she shared with her brother, and then learning of the mission Danielle had set out on as a direct result of Sammie's own birth diagnosis story.

Rising Kites provides bags both to medical facilities and directly to parents just learning that their child has been diagnosed with Down syndrome providing education, encouragement, and resources for the journey ahead. In additional to providing support to families new to the Down syndrome community, they are also working to cultivate a space where local families in the Down syndrome community can receive care and support, and establish programs and opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome to grow and share their passions with everyone.

Danielle's mission of celebrating the gift of Down syndrome is such a bright spot within this community and we'd love to support Rising Kites by raising $1,000 for the month of March to celebrate Down syndrome awareness month. This donation would provide bags of hope for 50 families across the country as they receive their own Down syndrome diagnosis.  

We are asking for your help as we strive to meet this goal, with a donation in any amount.  As a family and with Ben now a new small business owner, we will be matching every donation up to $500 to help reach this goal.  Your love and support for our family has been such a gift and we are grateful to have such a wonderful community building into us, and celebrating in the lives of both of our girls.

Rising Kites is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. EIN-86-2895046