Rising Kites






Our family is raising funds for Rising Kites in honor of Down syndrome awareness month and Isaac's baptism on October 29th. Rising Kites has a global impact, improving the way Down syndrome diagnoses are given and received, and we are proud to contribute to their efforts in supporting families in the Down syndrome community.

When Isaac was born, we received a Rising Kite bag filled with resources that helped us learn more about his diagnosis. It was one of the first things we received, and it gave us comfort in knowing that we were not alone in our journey.

If so inspired, please consider giving to this worthy charity that helps families recognize that a baby born with Down syndrome is fearfully and wonderfully made! 


Rising Kites is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. EIN-86-2895046