Righting History: The Journalistic Battle of January 6th






Freedom isn’t free.

January 6th is a hoax.

We are proving it.

Help us on a “special mission”:

Our citizen journalists captured explosive footage that shows a different story than what you’ve been told. We released a documentary called “Righting History: The Journalistic Battle of January 6th.” available for free viewing and download at StopHate.com/righting-history - Follow our team from the morning through the entire event, as we show you the victims, and the aggressors, on that infamous day.

Our second documentary, "Bloody Hill: The Seven Abominations of January Sixth" available for free viewing and download at BloodyHill.com highlights Juan O'Savin, Treniss Evans, and David Sumrall as they explain the events surrounding January 6. Andrew Mullinax masterfully weaves the conversation with footage from January 6, another StopHate.com production.

You can be a big part by helping us continue exposing the truth about that day with our next documentary, with explosive January 6 footage revealed in a never-before seen way, and will showcase the most up-to-date J6 timeline.

We need your help on our upcoming film to show people the real timeline of January 6, from the people who were there, and who risked it all to get this footage.

Join us on this mission, please contribute generously, and help us get the truth out to the world.

Be OUR hero.

We need you.

Freedom isn’t free, there’s a price to pay.

Donor Wall 17


Just a simple thank you for what you're doing in this fight against Injustice in our country. Unbelievable

J. | $100

Thank you for all your work - just saw you with Casey Cusick - great interview. Keep up the great work and keep speaking up. I was there on Jan. 6th and it was probably the most peaceful and prayerful gathering of people that I've ever seen, until the "Fedsurrectionists" showed up and changed the direction things were going to go.

Martha Lakamp | $50

I’m heartbroken for what you all are going through! It makes me sick that our congressman aren’t doing anything about the evil being done to protect our citizens! You all deserve a fair trial with all of the evidence that is available to you! Praying for justice!

Alexandrea | $100

Patricia | $200

Marie Hempenius | $10

I love Cowboy Logic and all the January 6ers!! My Grandfather was US Army WII Vet, and very patriotic, The DC Gulag is making him roll over in his grave, I know it.


I appreciate all of your hard work to expose this evil. I am humbled. Watching the doc really touched my heart. We must never give up.

Julie Tegethoff | $10/M

I am praying continually for these hostages.

John Morris | $300

Freedom isn't free. I am fighting for the future of my children and their freedom. Easy is over.

Corrine | $30

God bless all the patriots who stand for freedom. Never give up.


I heard you on Sandy Rios. I haven't yet watched "Righting History " but I plan to when I get the chance. I'm amazed at the similarities in the George Floyd situation and Ashley Babbit's and at the startling different response. Both where said to be involved in so called illegal activity (George for sure was, not sure about Ashley). Both where unarmed and died during an altercation with the police. The out come of George's death was that he was looked upon as a hero even though he had a history of criminal activity. Ashley is totally ignored even though she was a veteran, a woman, and a patriot. She was just one of hundreds that entered the capital unarmed and in some cases almost led in by the police. In George's case the officer goes to jail probably for life. In Ashley's case the officer seems to get off scott free without being named to the public. What am I missing? Why is there no out cry for this woman? I guess there is but it is just the wrong crowd that is making the outcry.

Anonymous | $100

John Gimino

Claudia | $30

Scripture tells us that God‘s greatest gift to us is love 1John 4:7-8. Thank you for all your efforts to stop hate


Thank you for standing up for all the January 6th Patriots. May God bless you and them. They deserve our love, prayers and support.🙏🏻♥️🇺🇸

Aleen OSullivan

Anonymous | $30