Rick the Ukrainian gets the NAFO truck 2.0

€ 18,241.46



€ 18,000


Rick the Ukrainian gets the NAFO truck 2.0

Together 69th Sniffing Brigade and Rick are launching third Campaign for a #NAFO truck 2.0

Possible donations:

From €100: 1 patch.

From €200: 2 patches.

From €300: 3 patches.

From €750: 3 patches + Ukrainian unit original patch.

From €1,500: 3 patches + Ukrainian unit original patch + your text on the vehicle (max 3-5 short words, max 30 characters.)

From €2,500: 3 patches + Ukrainian unit original patch + your text on the vehicle (max 3-5 short words, max 30 characters.) + your country flag on the truck.

From €10,000: 3 patches + Ukrainian unit original patch + your text on the vehicle (max 3-5 short words, max 30 characters.) + your country flag on the truck + you join the convoy to Kyiv, Ukraine + meeting Rick the Ukrainian


Step 1: Make your donation.

Step 2: Request the patch by filling form in the recipient email. 

Step 3: we will ship your Patches anywhere in the world.

About the campaign

Rick the Ukrainian going to fundraise a truck for 3rd Assault Brigade. 

Ukrainian soldiers know firsthand the value of our NAFO vehicles - they are in great condition and can easily drive up from 20,000 km (12,500 miles) without any technical issues. With your support, we can provide guys with the transportation they need to effectively carry out their mission and liberate Ukraine.

NAFO Truck 2.0 represents the latest evolution of our standard NAFO truck. What sets it apart is the inclusion of a drone jammer, capable of disabling any drones within a 50-100m radius. This crucial addition not only safeguards the truck itself but, more importantly, protects the lives of Ukrainian warriors on the frontlines

In total NAFO truck 2.0 will cost 18 000€ 


For donations exceeding €100, we have a special treat: an exclusive patch. Made in Ukraine, we'll send it anywhere you are, and you get to pick from 2 designs:

If you donate more than €750 you will receive the original patch from a Ukrainian unit in addition to main patches.