Revolution Radio






Revolution Radio is a platform for free speech, that is totally listener supported. We have been around for ten years, and with your help will be for another ten years.

Donor Wall43

Shelagh McFarlane | $200

Thank you for all you do & for your help to get my POGGTalk on the air - many blessings.

Lisa Russell | $300

Wishing all at Revolution Radio a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With thanks for keeping us both informed and entertained throughout the past year, your work is greatly appreciated. Love listening to David and Ransom, Mr Rho, Bill Grant, John Wayne and Crypt Rick, thank you all.

Lakshmi | $7.77/M

Truth IS Good Fortune. Thankyou: The Centre Path: the way out of hell. What on earth is happening? I belong to the Sun. Long Live Revolution Radio!

Richard | $10

Loz | $20

Pleased to see the radio family created by Mike Ringley still out there! Love from here

Palmer Reising | $12

Hi, I value freedom of speech. Trust in Jesus The Messiah and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior.

Brian Tseng | $25

Great work, Robert and Revolution Radio!!! <3

Lisa Russell | $200

Came here to listen to MIAC with David DuByne and Ransom Godwin, found lots of other excellent channels. Love Revolution Radio, wishing all the producers every success for the future!

Alec Franciscotty

Thank you Jay Parker 🙏

Robert | $100

Thank you for hosting David and Ransom

Stephen | $5/M

Gino | $10

Shirley | $200

Thank you to the management. Past and present,you keep our ears open. Take care of each other.

James | $100

The 1 Jamin Nelson | $100

For the best Internet radio station on the planet!! Much love to all!!


For Paul from Aus. Between gerrbear


Thank you so much Revolution Radio for your platform. PSF sent us here! LOVE Wins

Judy Sousa | $100

God Bless you Scott McKay

Shirley | $50

Pauline Curson | $45

On behalf of Crow, I give a tribute amount for SJ ... may the love felt for him and his wife Barb get passed his way.. into his heart to know he is well loved and respected here. Love from Pacwoman in Australia..

Pam | $50

Great show Scott! Thank you for keeping us informed - keep raining down on the scumbags. God Bless! TX PSF here.

Lisa | $10

Love Scott McKay

louis 'Lazer' | $100

Bronco (this comment is aimed for you)there are very few, and it happens rarely, that I find myself in agreement and also learn a thing or two. Bronco you are Brave, you speaka the trutha! (not sure if it was a live show). It did help (I am 74 years old) to know that there are others still aware of 'what the real battle we face. Your insight gave me hope. (amazing that the Viet Nam Vet's did nothing to correct anything, me US Army 1967-1970 we talked about it but in the end feel in line). Thanks again Bronco

Marc West | $50

Katie Bishop | $11/M

Luna Tic | $100

Keep getting your thoughts,feelings,&the information to the people.You ARE ALL making a difference.I am a patron but archived JW last broadcast & was inspired to donate again.God bless you all “Luna🤪tic“


Just a little something to help towards your monthly expenses.. l wish I could do more.. This station and the people are amazing.. Pat and Gerrbear, Trucker and Christine and Mechanic..and this is just the tiny amount of them.. honestly and integrity is Revolution Radio..

Matthew Herbert | $10

So proud to be part of this revolution with you guys. Lots of love and keep up the fight. x


Thank you Pastor Mike, Lindy

Pauline | $25

I appreciate Revolution Radio and all the hosts, l don't always agree with them or everyone in chat.. but I appreciate listening to all the different things that are happening and love the stories and experiences of people from all walks of life. And the array of subjects.